Missing Payment from PayPal - Support Unresponsive

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Joined: Thu May 16, 2024 12:12 pm

Missing Payment from PayPal - Support Unresponsive

Unread post by gfletcher98 »

I am missing my payment from Chaturbate from yesterday May 15,2024. I get paid daily via PayPal from you guys like clockwork at the same time. It is now almost 3 hours AFTER the normal time I get paid and I have been calling and messaging you guys everywhere. Someone please help me. I joined this studio to avoid issues like this.

Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:19 am

Re: Missing Payment from PayPal - Support Unresponsive

Unread post by uklassy »

Did you get your payment ? Also been asking for over a week, and been told several times that 'admin will look into this' .... but nothing in the form of payment.

This is very concerning.

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